Ambitious, determined, but softly spoken, Honesta describes how she is building up her business from small beginnings. "I might have as many as 300 chickens one day!" She says.

"Actually I used to be someone to just go and beg for help from others. I joined the village savings and loan association but I didn't have much income at that time. With the profit I got on my small savings, I bought one or two chickens. When I get some money, I farm one acre of land as insurance. I used to keep chickens in the normal way, without education. Most would be eaten by predators. From 12 chicks I was left with only 2."

"Since I've tried the haybox brooder, the survival rate is much better. For this batch, I had 17 chicks, and only 4 have been eaten."


There is no doubt that life is still tough for Honesta. She is disabled, and walks on her knees. The physical demands of keeping her chickens, farming her land and looking after her children are unimaginable. And in her village, though the land looks fertile it can be hard to get started when you have little income or access to knowledge about how to farm or keep livestock in the best way. 

Honesta's 13 chicks have a potential sales value of $52, which would be a big boost to her family's income. "I need it for food so we can live. I'll also use it for other needs, like clothing and supporting my three children who are in primary school."