Ngojea says...

Ngojea says...

“In our community, basket weaving is for home use. Little did we know that this can be an important source of income. The opportunity to meet Catherine, the founder of Vikapu Bomba, was an eye opener to all of us. I have already starting weaving better, continually improving my skills. I aim to be the lead trainer in good quality baskets in our community.”

Daudi says...

Daudi says...

“Being part of this training has changed me a lot especially my hope for the future, now I can plan who I want to become regardless of my disability, which was not possible before. My hope regained and attitudes towards disability changed when I participated in exposure visits and saw people who have different physical disabilities doing different income generating activities at Neema Craft in Iringa.”

Dainess says...

Dainess says...

“I have always wanted to become a big entrepreneur because I believe it is the only way I can run my life since jobs have been hard to find, so once I heard about this program I believed my dream will come true. The training broadened my knowledge and ability to recognize different business opportunities available in my community.”