In June 2019, Lyra received funding support from Capital Group for installation of 19 Computers in a rural based secondary school in Iringa. Lyra used the support to benefit two schools, each with 11 computers impacting 741 students and 50 teachers. These are the very first Computer Labs installed by Lyra since the beginning of Lyra’s Digital Learning program in January 2017. They are also the very first computers that all students, and the majority of teachers have ever seen, or used.
Desktops will enable students to achieve a better grasp of handling a proper computer, a skill that is highly relevant in today’s labour market.
The Computers bring a transformation in learning, with a high increase in usage among students and teachers immediately after installation. The program included five days training to all teachers by Camara Education in basic computing, MS Office, Classroom teaching, management and monitoring.
Historically, the digital learning project was introduced as a pilot in January 2017 in 3 partner schools (Lundamatwe, Mazombe and Madege Secondary Schools), and 3 Lyra coaches were trained to introduce, supervise and support teachers and students on digital learning (DL).
We started the project with 90 tablets that were distributed to the 3 schools, 30 per school. Lyra introduced e-learning using resources available through ‘RACHEL’ (Remote Access Community Hotspot Educational Learning), a hot spot device containing different educational material of all levels of studying. The server enables students to access materials offline and is the perfect solution in rural schools with limitations in electricity and connectivity. The material is also suitable for teachers, as a vast amount of supplementary educational resources is available including content by Khan Academy (KA Lite). To improve the program further, In July 2018, Lyra partnered with Shule Direct for provision of Tanzania based Curricula content (notes and quizzes) for five core Science subjects, leading to increased usage in Digital learning.
With growing number of students per class, sharing of a tablet continues to be challenge, making it difficult for each child to handle the tablet on a daily basis (see photos). The ideal number of tablets per school is 50 -60, so that at least every student in a class could have a personal tablet. The alternative is to install computer desktops to leverage the Digital Learning platform throughout the day. Installing computer labs require main grid electricity and can therefore only be introduced in schools with electricity. Prior to the Capital Group funded computer labs being installed in Q4 2019, both schools had 20 tablets each.
Following installation of the Computers at the Lulanzi and Nyang’oro Secondary Schools, there was a significant rise in usage by both students in hostel and others, while hostelers have the biggest benefit.
The significant increase in use from installation in Q4 2019, in the number of students using Shule Direct is also
evident in the usage data from the hostel.
Beni Hamis Mwakafwila, a Civics and Kiswahili Teacher at Nyang’oro secondary school says:
“First of all I would like to thank Lyra in Africa for installing a Computer lab in our School, and I am so happy to hear that this is the first lab to be installed by Lyra. Also, I would like to thank Lyra for the training that they have provide to us teachers. For me before the training, I was using computers for leisure, however after the training I came to realize that there were a lot things which I had no idea of.
I bought my computer soon after being employed for sure it was my desire to know how to use it effectively but instead, I was using it to watch movies. My computer eventually collapsed. I saw my fellow teachers typing exams and arranging their examination results. I was envious and desired to do the same, but failed because I lacked computer skills.
I am so thankful that I have received free computer training. Before installation of computer lab materials, the tablets had Tanzanian Science subjects only, discouraging the rest of us Art teachers to use digital equipment. But with the Computer Lab, all the subjects are there, and I am happy that I can see all the notes needed for teaching and learning. I was so excited when I saw ‘Ngoswe penzi kitovu cha uzembe’ notes in which for me was a big surprise.
I am very interested in using the class management tool (veyon) installed for teaching because it makes students to love the class and session very well and it makes my work a lot easier and fun.”