From the 24th - 25th of November 2021, Lyra in Africa participated at the 2021 TEN/MET Annual General Meeting (AGM). TEN/MET ( is a national network of non-state actors in education which follows a vision that every Tanzanian child has the right to equal opportunity to quality education. Created in 1999, its mission is to strengthen the capacity of existing Community Service Organisations (CSOs) through networking, research, advocacy, etc. Since establishment, TEN/MET has gone on to become leaders in education influencing policies and practices on basic education for all in Tanzania in a collective and informed manner.
This year’s AGM was remarkable for multiple reasons. This was the first time that a TEN/MET Meeting had been held in the Iringa Region, which played extra significance on Lyra in Africa as an organisation as we are the only member out of 158 members, whose work is based in the Region.
In a proud moment for Lyra in Africa as an organisation, we were elected to join the TEN/MET Board for the next coming 3 years. An exclusive membership including 15 members, only delegates three spaces for INGOs. Other elected INGOs added as TEN/MET Board Members include FeminaHip and ADD International. This positioning places Lyra in Africa at the forefront of decision-making processes regarding Tanzanian Education and we look forward to learning from others and sharing our knowledge to encourage and advocate for access to quality education for rural students.
This conference also saw the addition of seven new members including our partners Camara Education Tanzania (CET) as well as; Candle Shining Development (CSD), Fadhili Teens Tanzania, Mahika Children and Youth Organisation (MCYO), Next Generation Keepers (NGK), Pathways Foundation for the Poor (PFP) and Tree of Hope. Karibu to our new TEN/MET members!
Ending the TEN/MET Conference on a high note. On the 25th of November, we were excited to listen to a historic announcement by Tanzania’s Education Minister, Prof. Joyce Ndalichako issuing a statement that Tanzania will be expanding and ensuring a girls’ right to access to formal education, particularly pregnant students and young mothers into government schools. This important decision underscores Tanzania’s commitment to support the more than 120,000 girls who drop out of school annually, 6,500 of which are due to early pregnancy (World Bank, 2021). An admirable commitment from the Tanzanian Government, this marks the first time in decades that girls and young women will have a chance to complete their education. Motions in support of this decisions have already started to take effect in such as the following resource offering contact details for free education to women who couldn't finish their studies due to pregnancy:
Given the opportunity to be elected onto TEN/MET’s Board, Lyra in Africa looks forward to playing a larger and more formal role in enhancing quality education for all across Tanzania!