Lyra's programs are temporarily closed, but the Girls in Tanzania need your help more than ever

We’ve temporarily closed all Lyra’s programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the girls still need your help to meet their vital needs to keep healthy and safe.

Due to the global pandemic caused by Coronavirus, we’ve suspended all our programs until it is safe to reopen, safeguarding children and adults in the communities we serve. We continue to monitor the situation very closely.

We do still have a group of community based trainers ‘virtually’ teaching the girls and their families to make soap and face masks to protect their wider communities, reaching more than 5,000 households.

We desperately need your help to meet the girls most basic needs, such as reusable menstruation and sanitary kits, and to ensure they receive the much needed training on Covid-19 to help protect themselves and their communities at this crucial period.

Find out how you can help give hope to the girls and their families here.