Celebrating International Women's Day 2020

Sunday marks International Women’s Day 2020. A day to celebrate the achievements of women all around the world, and a great opportunity to raise awareness about the need for greater gender equality.

In today’s world, women’s economic equality is non-negotiable.

All over the world, women earn less than men and are more likely to own small, informal businesses. They are less likely to have access to assets and property.

Women are more likely to do unpaid work. This doesn’t just limit their opportunities and livelihoods. It means half the world’s population is being denied basic human rights.

Lyra is committed to help change the lives of girls and young women who would otherwise feel like they had no other option

Through our education and entrepreneurship, we help women take control of their lives and create a route towards financial independence based upon our core values. By providing basic facilities that so many of us take for granted, we can help to change lives for the better and empower girls and young women. We now have 1,000 girls in safe accommodation so they can go to school.

"We ran 16kms to school and back, crossing mountains and rivers. Four girls in my class got pregnant because of unsafe accommodation, and that was the end of their education. Living in the Lyra dormitory changed my life. I was the first girl from my school to pass Form IV exams. I am now at University studying to be a teacher, thanks to Lyra. My Mum is so proud of me!" –Zainabu

Find out how you can help us to empower thousands more girls and young women in Tanzania and continue to champion equality for everyone.